Central Texas Collage, Okinawa Japan

ITSC 2439

Personal Computer Help Desk

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Syllabus for Personal Computer Help Desk (ITSC2439 T52002 Central Texas College) Click here for a printable version.

Lecturer:  Michael Hancock

Lecturer’s e-mail address:  hancoc61@konnect.net

Class Web Page: https://itsc2439.tripod.com/index.htm


Course Text:

Book 1            “A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialists”, 2nd Edition, Author: Fred Beisse, Thomas Learning - 2001

Book 2 “Enhanced Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC”, Enhanced 3rd Edition, Author Jean Andrews Ph.D. Thomas Learning – 2001

Book 3 “A Guide to Help Desk Concepts”, Author Donna Knapp, Thomas Learning 2001

Course Description:

This course covers the procurement, use and evaluation of computer resources including hardware, software, and people.  Topics include: Introduction to End User Computing, Computer User Support, Customer Service Skills, CP Troubleshooting, Support Problems, User Needs Analysis and assessments, Computer Installation, Personnel and End User Training.  Prerequisites:  MISC 1462/ITSC 1405

Course Introduction:

This course, Personal Computer Help Desk, serves as a required or elective course on various degree plans.  Curriculum plans for degrees and certificates are listed in the current Central Texas College catalog.

This course in conjunction with other courses listed on the degree plan serves as preparation for careers in computer network administration and information management.

Course Goals/Objectives:

After successful completing this course, you should be able to:

·         Identify with various introductory components of end user computing

·         Identify with various aspects of computer user support

·         Identify with customer service skills for user support

·         Identify with various computer troubleshooting tools

·         Identify with common help desk support problems

·         Identify with the strategies in user needs analysis and assessment

·         Identify with common computer system installation aspects

·         Identify with needs and methods in training computer users

Evaluation and Grades:

The following items will be evaluated on a point system.  There are 650 points to be earned during the term.  Grades are determined by point distribution.  Failure to complete any assignment, project or exam will automatically result in a reduction of your final grade by one letter grade or point equivalent, whichever is more severe.

 Item                                        Total Points        Information

Weekly Discussion Questions (5)        100                    Due 6/10, 6/24, 7/8, 7/15

Chapter Case Problem (1)                  75                     Due 6/24

Term Project (1)                             100                    Due 7/22

Midterm Examination (1)                   150                    Chapters 1-4 on 6/26

Final Examination (1)                       150                    See Final Exam description

Class Participation                            75                    See Point Distribution

Grade Distribution:

A = 585 - 650 points

B = 520 - 584 points

C = 455 - 519 points

D = 390 - 454 points

F = below 390 points

Point Distribution for Graded Activities - Total Value: 650 pts:

Exam #1: Midterm Exam                     Value:  150 points (Taken Wednesday of Wk 4)


100% of the Midterm Examination will come from the material covered in weeks 1 through 4. All material covered in class and assigned chapters is testable.    Special attention should be paid to the Key Terms and Review Question found in the summary section of each chapter.  The Midterm examination will not however require you to remember software specific step-by-step procedures since in the real world you will have help files and software publications to aid in the Helpdesk Troubleshooting process.  The exam will comprise of Multiple-choice, true/false, fill-in blank, matching, and short essay question.


Exam #2: Final Exam                           Value:  150 points (Taken Wednesday of Wk 8)

25% of the Final Examination will come from the material covered in weeks 1 through 4 and the remaining 75% will come from weeks 5 through 7.  All material covered in class and assigned chapters is testable.    The final will not however require you to remember software specific step-by-step procedures since in the real world you will have help files and software publications to aid in the Helpdesk Troubleshooting process.  The exam will comprise of Multiple-choice, true/false, fill-in blank, matching, and short essay question.

            Term Project                                   Value:  100 points (Due Monday of Wk of 8)

Term Project Guidelines TBD

                 Assignments                                 Value: 100 points  (due various weeks)

Chapter discussion question will be required at various times throughout the term.  (See course schedule for more details).  These assignments will consist of Chapter Review Questions, Key terms or Hands on Projects that ca n be found at the conclusion of each chapter.  The papers will be typed and double-spaced using a font that is clear and legible. Assignments will be due on the Monday following the week the material was covered.  The course schedule clearly outlines the dues dates and late submissions are frowned upon unless there is a legitimate reason approved by the instructor.  

            Class Participation                           Value:  75 points (due various weeks)

Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class.  Students will begin the semester with 75 points and lose 5 points for each unexcused absence.  If a student arrives to class after roll has been taken, it is that student’s responsibility to insure the instructor marks the attendance roster prior to the completion of that class.

TERM Project description:

Term Project:  Each Student will be required to submit their term project on Tuesday term week 8.  Late work will not be accepted.  Students will submit the “Project Topic” during the second week of class and can use any available computer lab time to work on their project.  I encourage each student to pick a subject that is meaningful and thought provoking. This will enhance the product quality and motivate the student to submit the best possible work.

course schedule:


Session Dates

Readings, Assignments, and Due Dates



Chapter 1 Introduction to End-User Computing



Chapter 2 Introduction to Computer User Support

Chapter 3 Customer Service Skills for User Support

Week 1 Discussion Questions Due on 6/10



Complete Chapter 3 case as assigned in class




Chapter 4 Troubleshooting Computer Problems

Midterm Exam Review


Week 2 Discussion Questions Due on 6/24
Chapter 3 Case Problem due on 6/24
Midterm Exam covering chapters 1-4 on 6/26



Chapter 5 Common Support Problems




Chapter 9 User Needs Analysis and Assessment


Week 5 Discussion Questions Due on 7/8



Chapter 10 Installing End User Computer Systems


Week 6 Discussion Question Due on 7/15



Chapter 11 Training Computer Users

Final Exam Review (25% from wks 1-4 / 75% from wks 5-8)


Term Project Due on 7/22
7/24 Final Examination




This web site and the material contained within are for use by Central Texas Collage Students currently enrolled in ITSC 2439.  Distribution and copying of material is only authorized by the instructor.  For problems or questions regarding this web contact [The Instructor].
Last updated: June 04, 2002.